Trinity EFC was first organized on November 4, 1882 as the Swedish Free Evangelical Mission Church. The 130 years since then have brought many changes: in 1925, services in English rather than Swedish; in 1942, a name change; in 1976, a new building; and most recently, two new pastors serving together (2010 and 2012). Through all the changes, the congregation has remained committed to the centrality of God?s Word for the life of the church, and God has proven Himself faithful in providing for His people. A church with such a long history is not without its scars. Trinity has suffered from difficult, divisive periods in its history, even in the last decade. But alongside such hard times, God has given encouraging times of growth. We believe that God is moving among us and calling us to a new time of faithfulness. We are being challenged by God to follow Him with a bold faith that holds nothing back in its pursuit of Christ and His Kingdom. We have seen God?s initial blessings and anticipate with great hope and joy the blessings that are still to come. May God be glorified in a great way in our time!