The Salvation Army Ludington Corps was first opened in April, 1894 with Captain and Mrs. Webb as Corps Officers and Lietenant Wiggins as the assistant. Salvation Army rented sites included a South Rowe Street address (?Wing Hall?), 501 Delia St., 11 Goodell, 309 W. Court, 139 and 207 E. Dowland, 209 N. William, 308 and 312 W. Ludington Avenue. The Army closed in 1916 partly due to no officers available but reopened again in 1919 by Captain and Mrs. Chas. Ward at 807 E. Court Street. The William Rath Building (108 S. Rath Ave.) was presented to the Army in Ludington from 1936 ? 1961. The Corps Officers were adjutant and Mrs. William Kuchta when the Army was given this property. In 1961 under the leadership of the Ludington Advisory Board and corps Officers, Major and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Welch, the present site at 112-116 E. Melendy St. was secured with funds from the community through a capital campaign.